Welcome to aiotasks's documentation! ==================================== +----------------+------------------------------------+ |Project site | http://github.com/cr0hn/aiotasks | +----------------+------------------------------------+ |Author | Daniel Garcia (cr0hn) - @ggdaniel | +----------------+------------------------------------+ |Documentation | http://aiotasks.readthedocs.org | +----------------+------------------------------------+ |Last Version | 1.0.0 | +----------------+------------------------------------+ |Python versions | 3.5 or above | +----------------+------------------------------------+ *aiotasks: A Celery like task manager that distributes Asyncio coroutines* What's aiotasks --------------- aiotasks is an asynchronous & distributed task queue / jobs queue, implemented as coroutines and based on Python asyncio framework. Based on the Celery Task Queue ideas, but distributing coroutines and doing focus in performance, non-blocking & event-driven concepts. aiotasks doesn't pulling and doesn't has active waiting for incoming jobs, instead use asyncio framework to suspend the execution until any new data are received by a new broker notification. .. note:: aiotasks is still under development. Not as active as I would like (for time limitations), but the project is in active development. If you want to contribute, take a look to the TODO.md file. Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install quickstart backends architecture contributors api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`