Backends ======== aiotasks supports various backends. All of them are event-driven queue systems. Currently supported backends are: - Redis - Memory Planned supported in near future: - RabbitMQ (AMQP) - ZeroMQ Panned supported in more long future: - etcd - consul How to specify a backend ------------------------ The backends should be specified as a URI format. This is: - BACKEND_TYPE://USER:PASSWORD@IP_OR_HOST:PORT/ANY_OTHER_INFO Redis ----- To configure the Redis backend we must to specify the :samp:`BACKEND_TYPE` as **redis**, following this format: :samp:`redis://HOST:PORT/DB` Examples ++++++++ Connect to localhost and default Redis options: .. code-block:: python from aiotasks import build_manager manager = build_manager("redis://") ... Custom Redis server, with the information: - Redis password: **mypassword**. - Custom host: ****: - Redis database: **12**. .. code-block:: python from aiotasks import build_manager manager = build_manager("redis://:mypassword@") ... Memory ------ Memory is a special backend type. It should be used for small workload systems or development environments. This execution mode is useful to do small and local tasks. For example: If you're using aiohttp and you only want to send an email in a background way, you can use the standalone way and the memory backend. The :samp:`BACKEND_TYPE` type is **memory** and the format is: ::samp:`memory://`. Example +++++++ .. code-block:: python from aiotasks import build_manager manager = build_manager("memory://") ...